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PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at all meetings and activities of NCRCO, set meeting times and prepare agendas, communicate with the Republican National Committee (RNC) to  exchange information on cooperative programs and policies, visit Republican National Committee (RNC) Meetings, attend other Republican meetings as approved by the Board of Directors, work with the RNC and NACo on mutual goals and projects, direct the preparation of social events at NCRCO functions, make replacement appointments to the NCRCO Board of Directors, appoint Committees and Committee Chairs as required and as deemed necessary, communicate regularly with the Board of Directors and membership, coordinate the public presentation of NCRCO positions, work with the Budget and Finance Committee to develop the Annual Budget and to seek funding support for the organization, and approve disbursement of any and all NCRCO funds, without exception, within the limits of the Budget approved by the NCRCO membership.

VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall serve in the absence of the President, serve on Committees as determined by the President, serve as Parliamentarian at all NCRCO Meetings, and assist in other capacities as may be determined by the President. In the event that the President is unable to complete the current term of office, the Vice President shall succeed to the Presidency until the next Annual election.

SECRETARY: The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining official minutes of all NCRCO Meetings, distributing said minutes to Officers and Regional Directors in a timely manner, serve as the official Historian of NCRCO, maintain records of minutes of past meetings and a list of all “Life Memberships” awarded, maintain the NCRCO Seal and other materials as directed by the President. The Secretary shall be responsible for transferring all books and records of NCRCO to the ensuing Secretary within two (2) months of the end of the NCRCO Fiscal Year.

The Treasurer shall maintain all financial records of NCRCO, disburse funds only upon approval of the President, consistent with Budgetary limits, collect all dues, account for the receipt and disbursement of all NCRCO funds, make a written report of same to the NCRCO Board of Directors quarterly and to the NCRCO membership at all NCRCO meetings or upon request of the President. The Treasurer is responsible for providing Membership Cards to all members, for the maintenance of all membership files with identities indicated for members, associate members, and life memberships, and the distribution of publications as directed by the President. In conjunction with the President and the Budget and Finance Committee, the Treasurer shall compile and submit an Annual NCRCO Budget to the NCRCO Board of Directors and membership for approval. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the accounting of and transfer of all funds of the organization to the ensuing Treasurer within two (2) months of the end of the NCRCO Fiscal Year.

The Immediate Past President shall serve as a voting member of the NCRCO Board of Directors, Chair the Nominating Committee, and assist in other capacities as requested by the President. In the event the Immediate Past President is ineligible to serve for any reason, the last, prior eligible Past President still active in NCRCO shall succeed to this office.

The NCRCO Board of Directors shall include twelve (12) Regional Directors, or one member from each NCRCO Region. All Regional Directors shall be currently elected or appointed Republican County Officials in their respective Regions. Regional Directors shall be elected by a vote of the NCRCO membership in the same manner and at the same time as the election of NCRCO Officers. Regional Directors shall be elected for terms of one (1) year, or until their successor takes office, at the Annual NCRCO Business Meeting during the Annual NACo Conference. Regional Directors shall not serve simultaneously as an Officer or Committee Chair while serving as a Regional Director. A Regional Director may serve in such capacity for a maximum of two (2) terms.

Regional Directors shall serve as liaison for their respective Regions, selecting Deputy Directors in Regional States as required, promoting NCRCO memberships and sponsorships, maintaining current records of Republican County Officials within their Region, and encouraging attendance and participation at all NCRCO/NACo Meetings and events.


Region 1: Maine , Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
Region 2: Connecticut , New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania
Region 3: Delaware , Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia
Region 4: Florida , Georgia, South Carolina, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
Region 5: Alabama , Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee
Region 6: Illinois , Indiana, Michigan, Ohio
Region 7: Minnesota , North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin
Region 8: Iowa , Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska
Region 9: Arkansas , Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas
Region 10: Colorado , New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming
Region 11: Alaska , Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington
Region 12: Arizona , California, Hawaii, Nevada


NCRCO Past Presidents shall become “Life Members” of NCRCO, serve as ex-officio non-voting members of the NCRCO Board of Directors, and assist in other capacities as requested by the President.


©Copyright 2018 National Conference of Republican County Officials. Revised July 2018. All Rights Reserved.