The NCRCO By-Laws define the current list of states within each of 12 defined Regions of the United States.
An elected or appointed Republican registered countywide official residing in their geographic Region, that is a current paid annual dues NCRCO member, is eligible for election in July for a one year term at the NCRCO Annual Meeting. An individual may be elected for an additional consecutive year, or until a successor takes office.
Locally within their Region, the Director should elicit and seek member support in other states within the Region to encourage NCRCO membership growth and participation, and to recommend an annual financial sponsor for the organization, if possible.
REGIONAL DIRECTORS: The NCRCO Board of Directors shall include twelve (12) Regional Directors, or one member from each NCRCO Region. All Regional Directors shall be currently elected or appointed Republican County Officials in their respective Regions. Regional Directors shall be elected by a vote of the NCRCO membership in the same manner and at the same time as the election of NCRCO Officers. Regional Directors shall be elected for terms of one (1) year, or until their successor takes office, at the Annual NCRCO Business Meeting during the Annual NACo Conference. Regional Directors shall not serve simultaneously as an Officer or Committee Chair while serving as a Regional Director. A Regional Director may serve in such capacity for a maximum of two (2) terms.
Regional Directors shall serve as liaison for their respective Regions, selecting Deputy Directors in Regional States as required, promoting NCRCO memberships and sponsorships, maintaining current records of Republican County Officials within their Region, and encouraging attendance and participation at all NCRCO/NACo Meetings and events.
The Director should attend the NCRCO Annual Meeting and the yearly NACo Legislative Conference in Washington, DC, if possible. No other travel is required. As a member of the NCRCO Board, the President will generally schedule one telephone conference call for the Board in each calendar quarter.
Upon request, the Region Director may submit an article each year for inclusion in the January or May issue of the two NCRCO Newsletters sent out to the membership.
Volunteering to serve on or as Chair of an NCRCO Committee is optional. This leadership responsibility is generally a first step toward seeking an NCRCO officer position, if there is an interest in that pursuit.
NCRCO Regions
Region 1: Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
Region 2: Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania
Region 3: Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia
Region 4: Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands
Region 5: Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee
Region 6: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio
Region 7: Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin
Region 8: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska
Region 9: Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas
Region 10: Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming
Region 11: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington
Region 12: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada